Monday, February 23, 2015

revolutionarykoolaid:#Every28Hours (2/23/15): Meet Janisha....


#Every28Hours (2/23/15): Meet Janisha. Janisha was involved in a domestic dispute with her girlfriend, which resulted in her girlfriend calling the police to take her in for a mental health evaluation. Janisha’s girlfriend warned the officer’s upon entry into their apartment that she had a knife, but the she didn’t believe that she would hurt them, stressing again that Janisha was unstable and needed evaluation. When Janisha did not drop the knife, an officer proceeded to shoot her twice. According to Janisha’s neighbors she was a quiet and small young woman, barely standing above five feet. According to her girlfriend, Janisha was more than 6 feet away from the cops who shot her. Janisha’s story is not an easy one, but she deserved a chance at life, not a bullet when she needed help. Uplift her name. Janisha Fonville, we fight for you now too. #staywoke #farfromover

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