Monday, December 29, 2014

2 drunk white guys shoot bb guns at a Wal~Mart and live, of course.

2 drunk white guys shoot bb guns at a Wal~Mart and live, of course.:


Written by xxdr zombiexx for DFH Local No 420 We’re in Idaho, this time

According to Idaho police, the two intoxicated men walked into the Post Falls Walmart and proceeded to remove BB guns from boxes, before loading one and firing it four times while in the store. In a report to police, Walmart store security contacted them saying the two men “started shooting the gun in the store and made comments that they were going to shoot the store up.”

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The two men exited the store before police arrived, but officers and sheriff’s deputies were able to set up a perimeter and take them into custody without incident. According to police, the two men were charged with aggravated assault, discharging a firearm in city limits, and malicious damage to property. Posted simply because ..well, you probably know why. Black guy stands around chatting on a a cell hone leaning on a bb gun - gets shot to death. 2 drunk and disorderly white guys shoot the place up and threaten others - ‘taken into custody without incidence’. Clearly cops can enforce the law in a professional manner without people getting hurt. Now if we could get that professionalism shared with non-white people. At some point, if police listen, there should be a notable absence of police violence and we will need to take note. But currently all we see is racial disparity.. Glaring racial disparity.

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