Monday, December 29, 2014

"Had the people in the 1950s had been asked, “Do you want your taxes to go to development of the kind..."

“Had the people in the 1950s had been asked, “Do you want your taxes to go to development of the kind of technology that will allow your grandchildren to have iPads or do you want your taxes to go into a livable society? Health care, education, places where people can have decent lives? And so on. What would people have decided? Well, whatever the answer was, they didn’t have an answer because they never had a choice. They were told, “You have to pay taxes for the Pentagon because the Russians are coming and the Chinese are coming.” And it turns out that they were paying their taxes so that their grandchildren could have an iPod and Steve Jobs could get rich. Well, that’s the way the whole society works, but you don’t read about that.”

- Noam Chomsky (via azspot)

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